Wednesday, October 23, 2013

AC's advice on "how to understand Right-wing blogs" - doesn't help

'Hold it upside-down and read with your eyes crossed', he said.
'I use the same technique for reading right-wing blogs. That way some of the posts and comments make sense', but it didn't help. Farrar's 'Bridges-like' cognitive dissonance wasn't helped by the AC method at all. It was still nonsense.


Armchair Critic said...

Sorry, small typo. Should have said "turn upside down and read with your eyes closed".

darkhorse said...

the trick is to read it in a mirror - it is back to front not upside down

robertguyton said...

In the mirror, with closed eyes - am I there yet?

Armchair Critic said...

Maybe try closing your mind, too.