Monday, September 2, 2013

Judith says

What is everyone so worried about? Enough people signed the petition – the process was legal, and a referendum specifically addressing the ‘asset sales’ will provide a definitive answer.

It has to be a win win situation. If Key is right and has the clear majority, as he believes, then why are his supporters acting like they have no confidence that his words will be vindicated by the referendum?

I don’t understand the opposition to a referendum.

Black with a Vengeance says (edited)

Oh f*** off with the 'mandate to sell assets' - just cos Key cobbled together an alliance of b***lickers and brown nosers to form a government.

Let’s put it to the acid test eh!

BigFish adds:

Mandate shmandate!
When you’ve got popular opinion running against you, claiming a mandate is just code for getting voted out soon.
Once a party loses touch with the will of the people, the writing is on the wall.
Labour learnt this to their peril with the anti-smacking campaign.

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