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Thursday, September 5, 2013

David Cunliffe says...

I have strongly opposed the GCSB and TCIS Bills. A Labour government that I lead will immediately review and then repeal the GCSB Bill in favour of legislation which protects civil liberties and personal privacy and requires that all activity and information gathered in relation to NZ citizen must be warranted at all times.

I am deeply concerned that John Key’s attitude to this is part of a much wider agenda to undermine civil liberties such as by starving citizens access to legal aid, overriding local government processes, cutting sleazy deals with casinos and media companies, and undermining New Zealanders trust in government.

I was particularly appalled when John Key response to criticism from the Human Rights Commission was to threaten to cut its funding. For goodness sake, the HRC is an independent statutory watchdog and it was absolutely doing its job. Cutting the funding of statutory bodies you don’t like is a trick that hasn’t been tried since Rob Muldoon and Ruth Richardson.

Just vote the man in for goodness sake!


Armchair Critic said...

The hysteria on the right leaning blogs about the Labour leadership is phenomenal. I'd like to be contributing to the discussion, but the shear irrationality and ridiculousness of the posts and comments is overwhelming; it's hard to work out where to start. Might be best to wait until Labour have made their decision, hopefully some sense will have returned by then.

robertguyton said...

Some sense will have the right-wing blogs, AC?
You think?

Armchair Critic said...

I do think. A lot.
What I was trying to say was that until recently they'd been consistently wrong. Now the pigeons are obviously coming home to roost. John Key's sparkles are wearing off, there's no obvious replacement, Labour are likely to have a more competent leader fronting a more united party, UF and ACT are totally discredited, and the Maori Party have almost totally collapsed. If I passionately supported this government, I'd be panicking hysterically too.