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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ben 4 kittens

Environment Southland hopeful, thoroughbred racing guy and Young Nat, Ben Nettleton has posted this Monty Pythonesque message on Twitter, inviting me to debate cats. It's all quite cute really (look at that wee kitten!) and I wish Ben all the luck in the world with his campaign to establish himself as 'kitty-protector' for Southland but really, what can I say to Ben?  Best of luck with that? Go Ben?


Suz said...

Bringing kids into the debate...#dork.

robertguyton said...


robertguyton said...

You mean the pleading kitten?

Joe W said...

Ben 4 kittens - sounds like a native American name.

robertguyton said...

Ah, Joe - I laughed and laughed.
Suz #couldn't agree more

Unknown said...

I am with Gareth on this one. Would much rather listen to a Tui than feed a cat.
Could Ben explain why our birds have to be tortured and eaten by furry killing beasts.

robertguyton said...

Ben tweets, so should have sympathy for birds.

darkhorse said...

beats a lot of john key's policy for substance

Unknown said...

Good idea to play to peoples emotions with statements that sound big and wonderful but will never require any effort if elected. Minorities are a good target as well. Be the first to jump on the boat people thing. We have lots of coastline and you never know some may one day get blown off course. Aussies have elected govts on that one.