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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

You don’t collect then pass over three months worth of phone records by accident.

I sense blood in the water.


Armchair Critic said...

I sense blood in the water
That will be what was being hidden by the smoke on the water.

robertguyton said...

Vance's article 'Mad as hell' in today's papers, will blow away any remaining fog.

Paranormal said...

Storm in a teacup.

As I understand it a list of phone numbers and dates from the Parliamentary PABX system were handed over. There is no privacy issue here.

Vance and all the rest of you are deluded if you think there is.

robertguyton said...

Key says there is.
Judith Collins says 'It's disgusting!'.
You Para, say there's no privacy issue here.
You are wrong.

Paranormal said...

Nope, not wrong at all RG. If as I said it is data from parliaments PABX system, it is not a privacy issue.

I know of a number of similar cases involving employers phones, phone systems and email accounts. They are not the individuals private communications.

Storm in a teacup.

I hadn't heard Key & Collins saying that. I imagine they have a political agenda with some potential scalps in sight.

Ultimately it is Parliamentary Services 'at fault' for sending parliamentary services own data (not private information), that wasn't asked for, that was returned without inspection. Sort of a fizzer all up really.

Paranormal said...

Interesting following my comment earlier - I see the head of parliamentary services has resigned. I wonder if he was one of the heads on a plate the gnats were chasing...and who is next.

Armchair Critic said...

Let's hope one of John's old school chums is available to fill the vacancy, paranormal.
I see too that John has described himself as a "bit player". Considering it was a prime ministerial inquiry, and he's the PM, that seems questionable.

Paranormal said...

I think you are being a little disingenuous there. So AC you would suggest we hang the Queen or the governor general if a royal inquiry got into similar political strife?

You do understand the type/level of inquiry signifies the authority they have, not the individual actually doing the work?