Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Man caught taking a leak


Armchair Critic said...

Once again the internal machinations of the government seep out, when they are not meant to.

robertguyton said...

He's a weesle.
Peter's is having a very merry time with him and though I shouldn't, I'm cheering Winston on. Key made it obvious in the House that Dunne is responsible. Dunne's bravado 'put up or shut up', is just that. He can only be hoping to compromise Peters because his phone record should not be in any one else's hands, but it is. Dunne is busted.

Armchair Critic said...

Man caught accepting misappropriated appropriations?

Paranormal said...

And where's the proof again? If you believe anything Winston First says, I've got a bridge to sell you....

robertguyton said...

I took John Key's reaction and comment in the House as a strong indication that Dunne done it.

Suz said...

I know he's a jerk but at least he's kind to animals...he positively dotes on his pet possum (Miranda), and they're inseperable.

Armchair Critic said...

I already own a bridge paranormal, and I don't need another.
Perhaps you could offer yours to Peter Dunne; he seems to have troubled waters at the moment.

robertguyton said...

Perhaps, Suz, it's Miranda who's leaking and that wasn't perspiration on Pete's brow.

Paranormal said...

Well I was wrong about Winston not having the information. Looks like we need another inquiry to find out who leaked the report to Winnie.

robertguyton said...

Another inquiry, Para?
Have you joined the Greens?