This might seem a simple, straightforward statement to you, dear and thoughtful reader, but to the desperate-to-demean-the-Left Rightwing blogger, it reads;
"Fed to" (like livestock, those children)
"Hungry children" (Oh, the humanity!)
"Hungry children" (Oh, the humanity!)
Then, to finish off a great, if transparent effort to cast the Greens in a poor light, our old mate Keeping Stock plays his fundamental card:
All this over the Government's Communist, welfare-dependency flip-flop into providing food for children at school, something they and Keeping Stock have decried for years.
No wonder the poor chap is having to pretzel his logic and lash out at someone, any one, over anything at all.
Can't say 'gone bananas'. He's been that way for years.
You said 'gone bananas', All of us here at Keeping Stock know that means you want bananas gone out of the stomachs of emaciated children.
I'm getting an image of "feeding out" bunches of bananas from a trailer behind a tractor, while Jesus smiles down benignly from the clouds...
And only you could bring that image to our screens, Joe.
You Keeping Stock flunkies can always see through my rhetoric to what I really mean!
You are God-like in that.
My observation is that very few on the right genuinely think. Most right leaning bloggers merely repeat what they are told, uncritically. I guess it's easier than thinking. On occasions their conscience seems to prickle them.
However, I'm sure similar criticism could be made of the rest of the political spectrum.
You're correct AC - right back atchya on that one with the bias changed.
I do wonder if those on the left, that should know better, are making the decisions have a conscience at all. Especially at times when they are entrenching dependency and poverty all in the name of cementing a voter/power base.
Cheers paranormal. I wonder whether you and I have just proved, in a couple of paragraphs, that political blogging is pointless.
But you haven't taken into account unsullied free-thinkers like me :-)
And Joe.
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