Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Advertising the heritage orchard

It'll be the first of its kind anywhere in New Zealand and bound to attract national attention, at least that's what I'm expecting, based on the high levels of interest that have been show for the heritage apple project to date. 
Our latest venture into apple orcharding is one that will especially excite the romantics, of which I'm one; a neighbourhood orchard in Riverton with fruit trees gathered from the local area and planted on a half-acre of ground bought for the purpose and already attracting neighbourly interest and pledges of support. 
The as-yet unplanted paddock sits behind houses that run alongside of the Riverton/Longwood highway and enjoys full sun all day, deep loamy soils and a view of the estuary. Perhaps we should have built a home on it, such is the quality of the outlook, but that vista will be enjoyed by scores of people, we believe, as they sit amongst the apple trees, picnicking or listening to music, both important aspect of any good, old-fashioned orchard. 
We have people lining up to help even at this early stage, with the planting of the trees, already 2 years old and ready to take up their permanent places for posterity, and everything else that goes with maintaining a neighbourhood orchard. 
We'll be showing anyone who doesn't yet know, how to prune and under-plant, thin apples and check for bugs; the orchard will be both a place of learning and of leisure. 
We've booked musicians (un-plugged and sympathetic) for the first-ever gig and expect a good crowd. If you would like to be involved, keep an eye on the South Coast Environment Centre website for news and updates and feel free always, to join us as we develop and enjoy the country's first neighbourhood heritage orchard. 

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