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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Solid Energy and Rio Tinto - lies, lies and more lies

Key and Ryall blubbed that they couldn't, shouldn't, mustn't, wouldn't intervene in Solid Energy's business, despite knowing the SOE was cruising for a bruising, but they've leapt into the Rio Tinto negotiations ahead of Meridian without so much as a backward glance.
Lying, stinking hypocrites.


Lofty said...

Oh Robert, a quiet cup of tea and a lie down is in order here.
Do not under any circumstances blow a foo foo valve, that will only lay you low and there are weeds to be pulled.

robertguyton said...

Would a cuppa help, Loft?
Seems we are being conned. That doesn't sit comfortably with me. I prefer my leaders uncorrupted.

Lofty said...

Well at the risk of stating the obvious Robert you will have to search fairly far and wide to find any politician of any hue is not if not already corrupted, are corruptible.

Lofty said...

Sorry about the grammar, but I am sure you get my gist.

robertguyton said...

Lofty. I don't get you intense dislike of the Greens. At all. You seem a reasonable sort of bloke ordinarily, but your antipathy toward the Greens is striking. What happened? genuine question.

robertguyton said...

your (sorry about the grammer :-)

robertguyton said...

grammar (see above and read 'spelling')

Lofty said...

I am not ignoring your question Robert, it is reasonable and deserves a answer.
I am formulating a missive in my mind to inform you of my state of mind, without seeming to be too hateful.
You will have to wait for a bit, as I have heavy responsibilities that take more of my time and energy than I am prepared to put into a diatribe at the moment.
A hint would be that I want our economy to grow within the bounds of proprietary so that my employees will have the ability to feed their families and pay the bills.
Your apparent blind following of your absolutely duplicitous anti growth, green/watermelons wil not give my employees and their families any future at all.
That's enough for now Robert.

robertguyton said...

I await your missive with genuine interest, Lofty. In the meantime, I have to tell you that I know personally most of the Green MPs , present and past, and have found them to be the opposite of duplicitous. In fact, I find them to be entirely sincere. I tell you this in the hope that you won be personally insulting to any of them, as Iḿ sure you wouldn want to function at that level.

Lofty said...

If they deserve it they will get it. Heads above parapets and all......
A list MP of any shade will get no quarter from me Robert.

Let me know when one of your charlatans gets elected in their own right, and I will most certainly award them a modicum of respect.

Until then your "MP,s" past and present are fair game.

Lofty said...

Oh and Ropata, don't give me the warm warning about personally insulting politicians, the tenure of your posts against the present govt and the PM in particular are often insulting, as is your right, it is also mine Robert.

We still have a smidgen of free speech and expression in this country, what would your lot allow?

robertguyton said...

No worries, Lofty, let 'er rip. If Nandor's dreads wind you up, say so.
I'm looking forward to hearing what exactly the Greens have done to incense you.

robertguyton said...

And fury about them being list MPs? Really? If 10% of all New Zealanders vote for the Greens, you don't believe they should be represented proportionally?
Zero Greens in Parliament because no individual Green candidate can win an electorate seat?
How do you feel then, about ACT and their farcical MP and the influence they are able to lever? I believe that is shameful.

robertguyton said...

A charlatan (also called swindler or mountebank) is a person practicing quackery or some similar confidence trick in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception.

So, getting off to an aggressive start, you accuse the Green MPs of being deceivers.

Some examples/evidence would support your claim.
I've plenty to show Key et al are just that - no GST increase, anyone?

Lofty said...

Politeness compels me to do at least a quick reply Robert.
I am stil here but doing those things that occupy my time in providing for many families who's breadwinners work for us.
Bide your time I will return.

Armchair Critic said...

Who was the MP for the Coromandel electorate from 1999 to 2002 and which political party were they from, lofty?

robertguyton said...

Gimme a 'J', gimme an 'E'...
I've pruned the multi-post down to the one pithy comment, AC.
I'll patiently wait, Loft, for you to complete you selfless task.

Armchair Critic said...

I expect lofty is off finding his modicum of respect for Green MPs and will return to respectfully address the substance of the discussion as soon as time permits.

Lofty said...

The bell also rings for those who wait Robert.
I told you that I will reply, and I will, when I am ready.

As for the armchair critic, I have nothing to offer it. Who is it? actually who cares!