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Friday, February 22, 2013

Solid Energy has crashed and burned

SE's fall from a great height was quite a surprise. Mr Key and Mr English toured Southland just prior to getting elected to Government and enthused publicly over their vision for the region - they saw it as the 'engine-room' of New Zealand.
It's my hope that now, with the collapse of the mining company and it's big plans, Southland will return to fulfilling its true destiny as a food producing region, second to none.

Look! No coal smoke, no tall chimney stacks, no diesel fumes! This is no engine room, this is Southland!


Dave Kennedy said...

Actually, Robert, the great thing is that Solid Energy has crashed but isn't burning. Their lignite briquette plant is currently the cleanest in the world because nothing is coming from its smoke stack and long may it continue.

robertguyton said...

I guess the engine's on idle.

Dave Kennedy said...

Just announced on Nine to Noon that they are abandoning their lignite plans in Southland. The engine's turned off, the wheels have been removed and the lignite car is going nowhere!

Unknown said...

Bravo you Southland "whingers"!!

robertguyton said...

I know you mean that in the nicest possible way, Suz!

This is good news for those of us who believe food production beats coal mining.

Unknown said...

you can't eat money (especially since it is made of plastic now)

Unknown said...

you can't eat money (especially since it is made of plastic now)

robertguyton said...

It's worth say twice, Steve!