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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Green women

I was, by very kind invitation, guest speaker at the Green Party policy conference last night in Invercargill. I had a blast, reminding myself and many in the audience, of incidents from our shared green past. Once I was done (my ramble took about an hour, by which time I had covered a lot of ground, in a zig-zaggy kind of way) I was pretty wrung out. As I regained my composure and drank a glass of complimentary red wine, I enjoyed some delightful conversations with these Green MPs; Mojo Mathers, Holly Walker, Julie Anne Genter, Catherine Delahunty and Eugenie Sage. What charming, engaging and self-assured women they are!


Frieder said...

Thanks for your speech Robert. I found it (and the rest of the conference) very inspiring. Hope to see you in the future!

robertguyton said...

Thanks, Frieder and yes, we are bound to meet up.

Paranormal said...

Not that far from the mother ship then?

robertguyton said...

I'm invited to speak to all sorts of organisations, paranormal. That said, I was especially delighted to speak to that audience.