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Sunday, July 15, 2012

When you're bored, wind up your penguins!


Anonymous said...

Don't the penguins get sick of being wound up?

robertguyton said...

Yeah, but they never learn - same reaction, every time!
It's like commenting on Keeping Stock :-)

Suz said...

Just don't call Mr Kiwiblog a penguin...100 demerits...he's such a delicate wee thing.

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for.

robertguyton said...

I've not wound his spring for years now, Suz. He's got some effective url-recognising banning-software and I couldn't if I wanted to. I know, having tried that lock repeatedly.
Don't mention 'knees', he's very sensitive about his knees. God knows why.

robertguyton said...

Anonymous - I see some of the comments assigning the penguin deaths to HARP and some to Fukushima.

Suz said...

Don't knock the knock-knees Robert: they must be under tremendous pressure.

robertguyton said...

Some people go weak at the knees at the thought of a meat pie, suz.

Towack said...

now now children, since I'm allowed on his blog RG, I'm pleased to tell you that he is on a diet and has lost about 20kg and still going.

Short man syndrome is an interesting disease. Uncurable apparently

robertguyton said...

Good for him, Towack. I wonder if that will change his wrong-headed views on fatty foods and the availability of those to school children?
Perhaps I should alert Jordan! He's very persuasive.
"Farrar goes vegan"
"Kiwiblogger no longer 'Kiwiblubber!"
I just wish I could congratulate DPF myself :-)

Suz said...

Childish Towey, 'fraid so, the Emperor Penguin and his fouled nest bring out the worst in me. Kudos to those NOT allowed to comment, oddly enough not the racist, sexist, hate-fuelled bigots that frequent that place.

Re: Short man Disease...Alive and well in MHO.

robertguyton said...

I hadn't realized he was short.
I'd not have messed with him, had I known that.
Was it you, Suz, that once said, "I quite like a man with a lisp"?

Suz said...

Hey, who doesn't??

robertguyton said...

Samantha Smithers' sister, Sincerity?

Thuth said...

Thath not nithe.

robertguyton said...

Have you lost a front tooth?