Saturday, July 7, 2012

Trotter the Vulcan

"“There can be no doubt, Captain, that this planet is undergoing rapid climate change. The rate at which its polar ice-cap is melting, of itself, merits notification to the Galactic Science Foundation. You will also note these smoke plumes, characteristic of significant forest-fuelled conflagrations, on the smaller of the northern continents, as well as the sharply elevated temperature readings on its eastern seaboard.

“And yet, a cursory analysis of intercepted planetary communications suggests that its political and business elites are proving remarkably reluctant to heed the repeated warnings of their scientific advisors. Such consistent evidence of psychological denial among so many responsible individuals is troubling, Captain, and puzzling."

Whether you are a Treckie or a fan of the planet, you'll enjoy Chris Trotter's wry take on National's blindness to climate change, Illogical Captain.


Viv said...

It was an entertaining way of summing up the serious mess we are in. One of the scariest parts for me was the idea that Tim Groser was the brightest of the bunch. I heard him talking about the ETS on morning report this week, I'm sure I heard him suggest that climate change negotiations will go on for decades (no broadband just now, so can't listen again, but thought i heard that near the end of the interview)
If Groser is the best we can put forward to save the climate..........we're toast!

robertguyton said...

Trotter used the word 'torrid' to describe our future. I'm with him in thinking this is what's ahead. Groser seems extraordinarily arrogant and pompous. Every now and then you'll find a brainy one of those but the former characteristic over-rides the latter.

robertguyton said...

Oh, and your letter hasn't appeared yet, Viv.

Sally said...

"The Strange Case of Global Warming"

"Every candidate should support rational measures to protect and improve our environment, but It makes no sense at all to back expensive programs that divert resources from real needs and are based on alarming but untenable claims of "incontrovertible" evidence."

Shunda barunda said...

Chris Trotter the 'Clingon' more likely.

Though his piece on blaming baby boomers was interesting.

robertguyton said...

Nor, Sally, does it make sense to bury one's head in the sand because to look at a problem square in the eye and react intelligently to it, would cause economic pain. There's wisdom in taking some pain now, in order to avoid agony later on.

Viv said...

Question for Sally, what about ocean acidification?

Viv said...

re my letter, maybe coming from Otago, I'm considered an alien by the Southland times? I'd like to think that maybe they sent my letter to Mr Wills to give him the opportunity to answer the questions.
You've probably seen that very good post by Eugenie on frog blog about that same speech.

robertguyton said...

Maybe it's gone to Wills. It would be good to see what he says outside of that 'keynote speech' zone.
Eugenie is writing some good stuff. I've passed around her 'up-date' on the RMA changes to my fellow Councillors, some of whom will baulk at reading green stuff, no matter what the topic. :-)