Monday, July 16, 2012



Anonymous said...

Shoulda thought about that before wasting money on cardboard and crayons lady!

robertguyton said...

They're borrowed. You call women, "lady"?
Are you from the Alf Garnet era?

Anonymous said...

If u are referring to between '65 and '98 then yes, yes I am. Some era that!

Towack said...

tell her to get of the dole, stop complaining and get a job, she could afford a decent haircut then too

robertguyton said...

You're very disrespectful to my mum, Towack, who worked all of her adult life as a teacher until she retired.
Her sign-writing skills she learned at an adult-education class she took in her retirement, not wanting to stop learning. She's bright too, not taken in by National's idiotic 'asset sale' con, and she's not lazy or apathetic either, willing as she is to get out and protest against attacks by the Government on democracy. She'd call you a 'silly boy'. As for criticising her hairstyle, I guess she'd say that reveals the depth of your thinking...

Anonymous said...

That's a woman holding the sign?

robertguyton said...

A lady, according to Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

My brother anonymous? Or cousin anonymous?

Anonymous said...

I'm stupid.

Anonymous said...

Me too

Robert Guyton said...

Me three

robertguyton said...

You are impersonating me. That's considered the worst of blogging behaviours, whoeveryouare@10:04.

Anonymous said...

But very clever.

Towack said...

That is actually pretty funny, just like the lady in the pic is impersonating the green co leader

robertguyton said...

I didn't say it wasn't funny, just that it's considered the worst of blogging behaviours. I find most things funny: blokes who give their trucks female names, that sort of thing.
You reckon the woman in the pic looks like Russel Norman, Towack?
Try 'Eye Catchers' or 'Martin and Lobb' - both good for what ails you.

Suz said...

It's strange how in so many cultures, the elderly are cherished, respected and revered, yet (generally speaking), us clever, modern Westerners seem often not to give a damn.

Seems a tragic loss all round.

robertguyton said...

Well said, suz.

Towack said...

I cherish the elderly Suz, and you will get plenty of respect from me too ;)

Suz said...

Oi Towey...enuff with your cheek...I'm 45 and not a bit of rust on me ;)

Anonymous said...

Whose rust?

Shunda barunda said...

Suz, you can't blame it all on disrespectful youngins. Our western culture is also very good at creating a generation that only thinks of personal comfort and material gain, investing in the next generation is often seen as a waste of time.

I would suggest that respecting someone because of age only is a recipe for generational slavery, I will treat the elderly with dignity, but I personally only respect those that I feel deserve it.