Thursday, July 5, 2012

How does global warming look?

"A trio of scientists say the scorching heat, high winds and bone-dry conditions fueling catastrophic wildfires in the US offer a preview of the kind of disasters human-caused climate change could bring.

"What we're seeing is a window into what global warming really looks like," Princeton University's Michael Oppenheimer said."

Oh good. What global warming really looks like.

*More detail from darkhorse

"As the intensity of the heat wave, without reservation, was a key factor in the destructiveness of this derecho event - it raises the question about the possible role of manmade climate warming (from elevated greenhouse concentrations). It’s a complicated, controversial question, but one that scientists will surely grapple with in case studies of this rare, extraordinary event."


Towack said...

could bring.

possible role

I deleted all the non important words in your post (and darkhorses) and left the most important 4. On these four word everything hinges.....

robertguyton said...

So you are acknowledging that it could be, Towack?

robertguyton said...

Could bring...possible role...
Now you'll want to discuss the Precautionary Principal, perhaps, as in:

my house could catch fire so I will install smoke alarms.
Or are you one of those, "Smoke alarms? Who needs 'em kind of guys, who doesn't care about his children :-)

Anonymous said...

RG - the first rule should be: the cure is not worse than the disease. We have in no way identified the disease or the possible outcomes. Smoke alarms won't destroy the house you're living in to 'save' it.

Gorebull warmening has not been proven or even come close to predicting what the outcomes will be. Instead we have repeatedly seen evidence of lies and deceit from "climate scientists" to come up with 'scenarios' that have not a shred of relevance to what has actually happened over the past 30 years.

How long will it be before Monbiot et al come out with an apology for all the climate change rubbish as he has for so called peak oil? Lets face it peak oil should be an easier thing to peg down than climate change. How could you have repeatedly go it wrong for so long? (I recall the first 'peak oil' prediction was for the early 70's).


robertguyton said...

"We have in no way identified the disease or the possible outcomes."
We know what the 'disease' is. paranormal. We know what to do to cure it. We've decided not to do it and face the consequences. So be it.
As to the ETS, it's a con, useless and more than pointless. We, the taxpayer, still have to pay it though. A big percentage of what we have to pay for comes from one particular sector that has been granted immunity.
You are being disingenouos with your 'Monbiot' stuff, naughty boy!

Anonymous said...

No RG.

You have a BELIEF in what is happening based on some theories that have not been proven and still fail to show any relevance to the real world outcomes. We are yet to see any proof of man-made climate change other than dodgy computer modelling.

I agree with you on the ETS, it is a con as part of a global attempt at wealth redistribution. The Kyoto protocal attempt at wealth redistribution was never going to 'cure' the disease you beleive in.

As for the taxpayer - you obviously don't understand, we were always going to pay for this - ETS or no ETS. Like Monbiot you really need to learn some economics to understand how the economy works. Cost impositions like the ETS or carbon tax will always end up costing the taxpayer.

BTW not disingenuous at all. But then again I don't expect to ever see an apology for misleading the public from him. He'll just slope off into obscurity.


robertguyton said...

"Costing the taxpayer"
There's bound to be some cost to the taxpayer for all sorts of things, paranormal, except in that rarified space you imagine we should all be. Where everyone is freeeeeeee!

Anonymous said...

Nice response RG. As there is no AGW, or whatever you guys call it these days, there can be no cost, so it must be freeeee. Build a bridge.


Towack said...

That was an interesting argument, do you two want a sandpit to play in or a boxing ring.

I have had smoke alarms for years and I still dont believe in global warming, I must have bought the wrong brand.

Apparently the dinosours died off because of the planet freezing, now the planet is warm, one would imagine that if the planet was once frozen, then warmed up, it is very likely that temp fluctuations would be the norm, abiet over a very long time. Maybe that is too simple for those very clever scientists.

robertguyton said...

Too simple for those clever scientists, Towack?


DarkHorse said...

Anon and Towack will probably die of terminal stupidity rather than heatstroke but before that happens they might like to read this. and it may not be the grand kids it is happening faster than that and it also doesn't have to be a permanent change and it doesn't have to be the whole world- a few weeks of high temperatures with high humidity in just a few highly populated areas of the world is enough.

As the recent Derecho in the US shows - there tend to be wider systemic failures under extreme conditions that remove the technological safety net.

Towack said...

I think RG was right, the odds of cooking your grandkids without smoke detectors is more likely than global temps.

Next subject please

robertguyton said...

Darkhorse casts you as terminally stupid, Towack, and you call for a change of topic?
Best way to save face, I suppose.

DarkHorse said...

could just be that he couldn't think of an effective rebuttal

Anonymous said...

Darkhorse and RG - marvellous - play the man not the ball but you keep clinging to that moral high ground.

Faith based religion appears to reign supreme here. Carry on.


Towack said...

could be that darkhorses insult are about as clever as that plonker who was on here a few weeks ago insulting you.

Insults are easy, just I like to throw them at the greens tomboy co leader..... see, wasnt that easy.

I dont believe in the current theory that is called global warming, yes I believe that climate change happens, no I dont believe that we are all heading for doomsday in the form of human caused global warming.

Suz said...

VROOM, VROOM, Towack! :)

robertguyton said...

paranormal - that's your rebuttal?
Darkhorse can sleep easy.

Towack - 'tomboy' is a tag that really suits Meteria well, imo. I think she'd be more than happy for you to call her that, as am I.
ps. I think Suz might have a little of that in her too - she's certainly giving you a whupping!

robertguyton said...

pps - your best comeback would be to say, "Metiria?"
I meant Russel! " but I guess you can't use it now, sadly. I'd have laughed :-)

robertguyton said...

ppps - re: that plonker, and I presume you mean 'whio', revealed his identity accidentally (he told my daughter to tell me I'm a fuckwit - oarsome, Karl!) and so I can tell you he's but a lad, wet behind the ears and just setting out on life's journey on which he hopes to buy his own farm. Good luck, whio.

Towack said...

3 x pps's, I feel so important.