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Friday, July 27, 2012

Explaining John Banks

"And the flip side of this lack of accountability up top is an excess of accountability for everybody else. Right. We're relentlessly punitive at the bottom and unimaginably forgiving at the top."  

(Hat-tip Darkhorse)


Dave Kennedy said...

It will be interesting to see how these individuals will be dealt with considering it cost $440 for every man, woman and child in NZ to bail out the company they destroyed.

robertguyton said...

We keep getting these, "X$ for every man, woman and child in NZ" around these bailouts/purchases/whatever ... I wonder what the total for each of us will be by the time the year is out. Don't forget the kind donation we are making to Key's 'looter's bonus' Loyalty Shares.
The Smiling Assassin, eh! Who'd have thought it'd be 99% of New Zealanders he'd be smiling his assassin smile at?