"Resource consents for water take are freely traded in all regions. The only limit to a sale is whether the water can be used in the new location or facility without causing adverse environmental effects. The water price is often worth mor then the value fo the land associated with it.
What John Key wants is for water to be owned by the rentier class – that is he wants separate ownership from use.
This is a disaster for everyone but the rentiers who use it as a mechanism to suck the capital value of land ownership.
Tradable Fishing Quota is the model he wants to apply and it is be used this way to destroy the economics of the fishing industry.
This is what you get when you appoint a parasite to the top job."
What John Key wants is for water to be owned by the rentier class – that is he wants separate ownership from use.
This is a disaster for everyone but the rentiers who use it as a mechanism to suck the capital value of land ownership.
Tradable Fishing Quota is the model he wants to apply and it is be used this way to destroy the economics of the fishing industry.
This is what you get when you appoint a parasite to the top job."
He's right on the mark, the government want us to believe that water is not owned and can not be owned. They are dancing on the head of a pin.
Ownership of water is on the government's legislative agenda, and the Waitangi Tribunal hearing has caused some consternation.
Consternation, eh!
Constipation too, by the pained look on Key's face.
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