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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Another celebrity warms of climate change

"There is no question that climate change is happening; the only arguable point is what part humans are playing in it," he says. "I would be absolutely astounded if population growth and industrialisation and all the stuff we are pumping into the atmosphere hadn't changed the climatic balance. Of course it has. There is no valid argument for denial."

Which lightweight, air-headed actor has jumped on the global warming bandwagon now, eh, Shunda and Towack? Who's the tawdry, tinsel-town celebrity who should know better than to open his 'made-for-tv' mouth and bore us with his views on the weather?

Goodness!  It's that David Attenborough.


Anonymous said...

Silly David, no mention of agriculture

BS buster said...

, mr guyton,. i note that u have not responded to my comment on" state of climate" a couple of days ago, where i cite the 880 report and critique of IPCC claims ,, . the most comprehensive report thus far .35 scientific contributers from 15 countries supported by over 31,000 scientists in america that states .


report produced by Dr fred Singer atmospheric physicist founder of NIPCC " non governmental independent panel on climate change"
NIPCC most comprehensive site available for climate realists

also prof Frz Varenholt, majour advoke for low carbon energy production, who has now done a 180 degree turn round once he was invited to critique IPCC reports to discover the peer review process had been abused and was not atall scientific ,

robertguyton said...

He should visit Southland. He'll see some here.

robertguyton said...

BS - your SHOUTED words only show that you are not convnced by something. there's no need for you to SHOUT. It's obvious that you are unconvinced. What's missing is a good rationale from you as to why you can't accept the obvious, and choose instead to cling to any oddball who also fails to grasp the obvious.

BS buster said...

facts ?fact? facts? ... not name calling , not personal denigration,, facts .?

Anonymous said...

....and we wait...

robertguyton said...

The fact here, is that Sir David Attenborough has said,

"There is no valid argument for denial."

That's a fact. He did say that.
Have you a fact to offer, BS?

Anonymous said...

Fact: population growth is the cause of all problems

robertguyton said...

Come on, Anonymous, that's opinion and clearly wrong.
Try again. We are looking for facts here!

Anonymous said...

Name one problem not traced back in origin to population growth?

robertguyton said...

Sun spot activity interfering with electronic communications.
Let's stick to facts.

Anonymous said...

Why the need for electronic communication on the first place? Too many people

Shunda barunda said...

David Attenborough is a "probable queer"!!

robertguyton said...

"Too many people", anonymous, haven't created the need for electronic communication. The presence of many people is a causative factor, but too many people is not a logical cause, and therefore, your statement is not a fact. want to discuss the effects of human population on...what, exactly (facts please).

robertguyton said...

Shunda - definitely!

Shunda barunda said...

Well he is on the televishh-on......

robertguyton said...

Do you despise him as much as you despise Lucy, Shunda?
Is he damaging the environmental movement with his climate change claims?

Shunda barunda said...

Ummm, it doesn't mean he's weird just because he's on the tele Robert!!

Gee whiz!

Towack said...

he is not a queer as the anonymous commentator, mind you, if Lucy Lawless filled her mouth with cotton buds and tried to talk pompous she could pull him off, not in the way your thinking, the acting way...

Dave Kennedy said...

Siegfried Fred Singer is an 88 year old scientist who has spent a lifetime supporting industry and corporate interests to deny the relationship between UV and melanoma, CFCs and ozone loss, passive smoking and health risks and he now criticizes mainstream science assessments of global warming for the oil industry.

Check out the lovely photo of Fred with his equally credible mate Lord Monckton:

Also here is a more accurate representation of scientific opinion:

BS buster said...

singer wrote the forward and does so from within his specialty field as a atmospheric physicist but the body of the report is a compliation from 35 other contributors . including Dr sietz . who states ,, " i have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer review process " he referres to ipcc
he was a former president of the national academy of science and recipient of the national medal of science .
or do you think Al Gore to bebetter qualified >?

BS buster said...

also,, Dr Richard Lindzen. MIT atmospheric physicist , professor of meterology. dept earth , atmospheric and plantery science masachusetts .

" We now know the effect of co2 on temp is small, we know why and we know that it is having very little effect on climate "

ill paraphrase ... the fact that IPCC models cannot replicate recent decline in temps and have to rely on exaggerated " forcings" and feed back of co2 of up to 6 times to make temp predictions work
models that when run forward or back wards cannot replicate know recorded climate data.
just another scientist , expert in his field scathing of the global warming gravy train / hysteria .

BS buster said...

Harold Lewis professor of physics university of california ,Santa Barbara.
" Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscience fraud i have seen in my long life "

BS buster said...

Dr Roy Spencer climatologist and senior research scientist , university of alabama specialist in satellite based temperature monitoring , awardee of american meteorolgical societies special award. Nasa team leader for advanced micro wave atmospheric scanning.
Nasa satellite data shows" huge discrepency" between actual data and alarmist climate models.
earths atmosphere allows much more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models suggested .. 2011
Nasas Terra satellite .. 2000..2011 confirms previous data from Nasa erb satellite 1985..1999

DarkHorse said...

I think BSBuster is right RG. It isn't humanity that is causing the planet to warm it is the tooth fairy who is all pissed off with us for putting fluoride in water and severely cutting back the number of teeth falling out and is taking it out on us by slow cooking the lot of us by making the arctic melt and the midwest of the US burn up and all the glaciers to retreat.

We humans are far to puny and insignificant in the overall order of things to do anything as world changing as clear all the forests kill off most of the competing species and change the climate.

Or maybe santa claus

I am sure BSBuster believes in santa claus when you look at his list of supporting references

robertguyton said...

Oh dear, BS! I hadn't realised you were a Moncky man! Had I known that I'd have set DarkHorse and bsprout on you sooner. They're our 'clean-up' men, and can sniff out a 'Moncky' quicker than you can say 'fruit-loop'.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that bsbuster has come up with a range of facts and now you're just doing the childish name calling stuff again. Your arrogance will be your undoing.

But back to Attenborough. He has to say that sort of thing to ensure continued funding. That is the problem with your mainstream global fraud. Any freethinking individuals that dare question the emperor’s new clothes are denigrated and driven out. I could see your Atenboroug and raise you with a David Bellamy - but of course the warmeners have ensured his scientific credentials are removed from public view.

As an aside there is a fantastic BBC doco series on the protestant revolution. You would do well to watch it for its relevance to our day to day life. The underlying theme is the protestant questioning of everything, especially authority, has created the huge advances in society over the last few hundred years.

It is that questioning that ‘scientists’ like Jones and the likes of you in the green movement are trying to shut down. This shutting down of debate and scientific investigation will have a more detrimental effect on our ability to create solutions than anything else.


robertguyton said...

" The underlying theme is the protestant questioning of everything, especially authority, has created the huge advances in society over the last few hundred years."

Sounds just like the Green Party and people like me, "the protestant questioning of everything". Dear oh dear, paranormal! You've accidentally revealed your secret admiration for the protest-everything greenies! This is quite a day!

Towack said...

It is an interesting topic.
Change doesnt come unless one questions the status quo, without change we would be still be dragging our woman around by the hair (sounds fun ah Suz).
I am mindful of the dreaded green mp who refused to wear a bike helment, or your comments re cellphone use when driving, is this the type of questioning we need as a society, is it useful....
Then on Kiwiblog I see farrer was questioning the fact that there are people on the benefit who have managed to produce ten kids, collecting over 2k a week from the government, he was questioning the status quo of the welfare system.

We do need to question things, from government, to ecosystems to faith, if your not asking questions your doing nothing.

What is also interesting is how people react to the questioning. Having been on local committee I usually find it is the older people who dont want change (or questions that lead to change). Your not getting old are you RG

Anonymous said...

Not quite right RG. Question everything is different to mindless protest at anything. ;-)

And you should have picked me for a contrarian a long time ago.

But on a more serious note the theme of the doco would have it that the Green movement is completly in line with the Protestant revolution.

It was a fascinating view of history. Turns out the Labour party doesn't owe it founding to the Marxists, but the Methodists - in line with the protestant question everyting ethic.


Suz said...

"by the hair" Towey; or in your case by exposed copper wire/pipes.

robertguyton said...

Towack - yes, I'm aging daily. You know full well that I'm the most quintessential fat-cat , old-boy, dyed-in-the-wool, Conservative anyone could ever hope to meet and that the idea of change is a complete anathema to me. It's funny to think that both the 'warmists' and the 'deniers' think they are the challengers of the status quo, that they have seen the truth lying amongst the rubble of popular unconsciousness and sheepishness. Both see themselves as the Red Cross Knight, swishing his shining blade of truth through the tangled thorns of ignorance to expose What's Really Going On.

robertguyton said...

Para - methinks we doth protest too much.
I'd a letter in today's rag. I'll post it up now.

Towack said...

I can see you now RG, cuddled up next to our local Real Estate agent and ex supermarket owner down at the rugby club bar, one of the 'oldboys' ah.
Ah well, as I like to say, time usually takes care of those problems

robertguyton said...

Us old-boys don't 'cuddle', Towack.
We huddle in a sporty kind of way, and we hurrumph into our moustaches, like bilious walrusses. Wanna join our herd (Gus is head 'rus) on Friday night? We're drinking to Roger (Douglas, of course, splutter splutter) and thinking of new names to call environmentalists - they've shrugged off 'eco-terrorist' so we're going to have to come up with something harsher.

Towack said...

what about 'meanie greenies with leftward leanies'

Said of course with cotton wool in the mouth and a slight english accent as a nod to ole davey