John's relationship with John has turned septic with the revelation that he's been hanging out with Kim. Now John's being courted by Colin and eyelashes are fluttering madly, only Colin's a crack-pot but John can't say anything 'cause he's got no one else and it's all looking sillier than Home and Away.
Colin - dreamy |
John - smitten |
'grasping at straws' comes to mind. Alot of your posts are like the tv news. On a quiet news day they just talk shite.
They do, animal, and not just on quiet news days. You'd be a fan of Colin's, I guessing? His ideologies might be just your cup of tea - no gay adoption etc...?
Focus, animal. Robert relies on an incorrect assumption in this post, a false premise. It's not that the post is trivial, it's something more substantial. Do you see it? Or will you sit back and tell us how bored you are, like a seven year old during the school holidays?
I've just turned 45 and I was quite bored during the school holidays, but as my darling Mum used to say, "Only boring people get bored: :)
Colin Craig...won't ever get the Epsom dwarf vote, methinks.
AC - I'm keenly anticipating animal's response to my 'are you and Colin an item' question and expect that it may have lifted the cloud of boredom that's latterly been fogging his mind.
I've been reading your blog this morning, very interesting it is too, and am of a mind to post and link on it and to it, if you are agreeable (I'm going to assume that you are :-)
Suz - I agree with what your mum said. I hold to the maxim 'If you are bored, plot.'
Thanks Robert, please do.
Suz spotted your false premise.
I reckon if you are bored your garden is too small.
How on earth (pun intended), can I ignore the sage advice of both RG and partner is in charge of "plotting" but I give directives...NZ Elephant garlic went down only yesterday...hopefully not too mild?
Good timing, suz, with the elephant garlic - the season that is, and month, but planting on a super-moon?!? You and your man are devil-may-care gardeners, I can see! What care you for the wisdom of the ages? You've cast caution to the wind and planted on the very night you ought to be inside, being bored. I'm locked in battle with Lynda, the editor-at-large of the NZGarder magazine, where we are planting garlic at opposite ends of the country and attempting to out-do each other with the harvest - I expect mine will be bigger, though she's got hers in earlier, as have you. Care to join us in this unholy tussle for allium-dominance? We'll need photographic evidence and carefull weighing at harvest time. You've gone 'elephant' but I'm sticking with standard garlic - nz grown and organic of course but that's not a stipulation.
I'm making my bed this afternoon and planting when the moon has moved a little further off and taken it's meddling gravity and extra light with it.
Boredom Suz, is a state of mind, and as a seven year old I was never bored in the holidays. Good old West Coast country life saw to that.
I don't know much about this Craig fellow, have not bothered to research him. I guess because I'm a Christian and so is he, then according to you lot I must hate all gays and gay adoption. Actually being adopted myself I can certainly admit that when it comes to gay adoption, I can't support it. Not for the small minded reasons that are running through your head now, but for the fact that as an adopted child, one has a hard enough time trying to fit yourself into life without having the added stress of having 'two fathers', or mothers. Yes I can hear you all crying in defence of our gay minority but thats life ah.
At least this Craig fellow stands for something, unlike Peter Dunne. - what does he stand for again?
Animal...I know you only thru' this a talented artist. Please note, I talked about only myself being bored/boring in the comment above.
As for having "small minded reasons" running thru' my head, I feel you're making a lot of assumptions.
Yes, animal, Suz has pinged you on the 'small-minded reasons' slight.
What makes you think our reasons, which have not been expressed, are anything but carefully weighed and reasonable. Reasonable reasons. That doesn't seem unreasonable.
Mr Craig is an employer whose "staff members were told they must: “attend weekly devotional meeting. Must attend, participation voluntary.”"
Compulsory weekly devotional meetings, Mr Craig?
I apologise Suz, I never ended to encapture you in my small minded net.
On another note, I love the comment above - some Anon comes in, makes a totally unsubstantiated claim and disappears into the murk, very cool.
For Animal
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