"Are we as a country sleepwalking to relinquishing some level of control of a large chunk of New Zealand's water by way of partial hydro asset sales?"
Hamish's question is the $64 000 one and likely to have him crossed off Bill's Christmas card list for at least a decade.
Raising the question of, and casting doubt over the ownership and control of New Zealand's water in light of the asset sale plans the National Government is intent on foisting upon the country is something I hadn't expected anyone from the English family to do in public.
It appears that some National supporters don't really think things through when policies are first floated. How come it's taken till now for the other Mr English to come to this realisation? Perhaps the National ranks just accept every idea that is put out there in their name without looking at the details. Now, thanks to Maori who insist that rivers should actually have water in them, the general public are going 'oh, we hadn't thought of that,gee that doesn't sound right'.Damn shame a few more people didn't think of it before the election.
Very true, Viv. This letter of Hamish's might provide a very good starting point for discussion in Southland and beyond, depending on how well it is advertised :-)
Viv, were you at Mataura, camping? I'd wanted to meet you but didn't see you or know that I'd seen you there.
I'd like to have talked.
Who knows...Hamish might vote Green?
Yet again more ill informed hysteria - this time from Blenglish's brother. Blood does not equate to joined at the hip politically. Look at the Graham brothers. Why even my own brother was stupid enough to vote for Hulun.
If you want some informed comment have a look at one of NZ's best constitutional lawyers http://www.stephenfranks.co.nz/?p=4097
Para.."ill-informed hysteria"; I'm thinking more a wry observation.
Hope your brotherly relationship hasn't suffered too much..tho' I'm guessing Green or Mana might push past the threshold? :)
Suz - there are many Southlanders abandoning their traditional Blue bolt-holes and coming out into the Green and Hamish has the sound of someone who thinks for himself. Para isn't from down here but I sense he's teetering on the brink of Reformation and I will welcome him with leafy boughs when he jumps.
Sorry RG it won't happen.
Suz - you might be surprised to hear that my brother and I both used to vote Green. When I actually took time to read their policies I realised I couldn't support them.
And sadly brotherly relationship is at a low ebb. He's one of those earning a living off evil big government money, as a uni professor saving the world with greenwash.
In better times we agreed - it's hard being a black sheep in a family of black sheep.
perhaps the heading to this post should read "Enlightenment in the house of English"
Some good old fashioned tory commonsense from the era when the national party built wealth rather than squandered it from the English who earns his money the honest way.
read this
I was at Mataura Robert & was hoping to meet you, but thanks to the Sat night rain, the busy nature of Sunday & my having to leave that evening, didn't get a chance. Sure we will though. I just told my Aunt & Uncle who are touring SI by motorbike that they must go to Riverton & pop in to the environment centre. Cheers,
"the English who earns his money the honest way."
Three cheers for Hamish then!
Thanks for the link, darkhorse. I sense the gathering of forces :-)
I'll look out for them, Viv.
Perhaps Bill and Hamish should swap jobs?
Y'a reckon Bill could still farm?
It's true, he's kept the gait...
re the job swap the country would be the better for it and farming the poorer.
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