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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Te Rau Aroha

Tomorrow is Waitangi Day and I'm spending it at Te Rau Aroha marae at Motupohue/Bluff.
There'll be all sorts of dignitaries there, from Sir Tipene O'Regan to the Hon Christopher Finlayson.
I'm hoping for fireworks.
After the marae events, there's a boat trip out to and around Ruapuke island, with a commentary by Tahu Potiki and I'm lucky enough to have been given a boarding pass for the trip.
I'm taking my camera and three spare batteries and will report back here on the day's adventures.


adamsmith1922 said...

Fireworks of the Gunpowder, Treason and Plot kind?

robertguyton said...

Words, Adam, can be explosive. That's the kind of conflagration I was hoping for. There were some Double Happys, but no Mighty Cannons.