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Friday, February 3, 2012

John Key is misleading you

The editorial in today's Southland Times describes how the Prime Minister is pulling the wool over your eyes. His claims about the clause that has the Maori Party all steamed up and Maori in general girding their loins for a Waitangi Day stoush were not true at all and have been revealed for what they are, by various lawyers up and down the country.
Key say he was misinformed by his advisors, whom he will not name. He's used this ploy before; say whatever suits him, then pass the buck when the untruth is revealed.
Sneaky Mr Key.
The prospect of a lively Waitangi day for the Prime Minister is intensifying by the day. Roll on Monday!


Anonymous said...

Yes. Sad they don't have the guts to come out and say we're just going to remove the spurious "principles of the treaty" rubbish from the legislation. there would be huge support throughout the country and finally put some reality back into the overall debate.


robertguyton said...

However, para, if they were to do that, all hell would break loose!
Could be a good thing.
Not 'tangata tiriti' then?

Anonymous said...

RG - Yes 'all hell' would break loose. But that would only be from the minority of protestors that have too much to lose.

Some (I believe the majority) would say the current greivance industry has nothing to do with the the treaty. I recommend you have a read of one of New Zealands best constitutional lawyer's analysis of the treaty.

The current generation stamping their feet and wanting to talk to the queen is like someone whinging to their grandparents because they want to play with their brothers toys but can't ask him nicely.


Anonymous said...

Oh - and we're all 'tangata tiriti' - both Maori and Pakeha in that under the treaty we all became British subjects.
