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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Isle of Capri

Malcolm called in with an Isle of Capri tomato and a bucket of Italian flat beans.
That man knows how to grow 'em!


Jacqueline said...

I have tomato envy :(

robertguyton said...

It's worse if you're a guy.
Malcolm's a master gardener though, so don't feel bad Jac.

renetsil said...

I am even more worried about the beans , although the tomato is extremely beautiful!The Italian flats I am growing have yet to flower :(

adamsmith1922 said...

How does the Capri tomato taste?

Italian flat beans are they what the English call runner beans?

robertguyton said...

Renetsil - perhaps you are growing in a part of the country that hasn't enjoyed Southland-like conditions this year?
I hear Auckland is wayyyy behind this year, due to cloudy conditions and rain, rain and more rain.

robertguyton said...

Adam - the Capri is delicious - very few seeds and 'meaty', rather than 'wet'.
The flat beans are different from runners, much heavier producers and nicer to eat by far.