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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Asset sale trickery

David Beatson doesn't think the Government's claims around the sale of our assets is as it sould be - honest and transparent that is.

"The paper also contains a major contradiction about the cap on individual shareholdings. Early in the piece, it says the Crown will bind itself to hold 51% of the shares in the Mixed Ownership companies, and “no other investor will be able to hold more than 10 percent of the shares with voting rights in each company.”
That statement is contradicted a few pages later. Under an innocuous heading about “Placing the companies under new legislation”, the paper also says “trustee corporations or nominee companies that hold shares on behalf of other persons may be exempt from the 10 percent limit”."

It's passages like this one that make Beatson's article so valuable for anyone wanting to learn the truth behind John Key and Bill English's honeyed words around the sale of assets.
He titles his article, "Asset sales - where are mum and dad's shares?"

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