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Friday, January 27, 2012

Worst blog nomination!

My blog has been nominated for the 'Worst Blog 2012' on the Right-wing blog 'Gotcha' that's bodged together by the tempestuous WhaleOil/Slater.

My nominee?
Inventory2 from Keeping Stock.



Robert Winter said...

Congratulations. At least, you've been noticed. I would have hoped that the Right would have at least one person willing to condemn me!

robertguyton said...

I suspect Inventory2 fears your wrath, Robert and wouldn't dare!
If I was a Rightie, your subversive writings would be at the top of my most-feared list and I'd be hanging "Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow" up there in the Tory "Rogues Gallery".

Jacqueline said...

How exciting!

Gotta be happy with that!

I have had to lay off the Keeping Stock blog lately. I kinda like INV2 but am finding it harder and harder to resist the urge to ask him why he insists on referring to himself in the plural sense.

We at my laptop have decided that is irritating.

Armchair Critic said...

Yawn, nominated as the worst blog in a competition run by the worst blog. If I were right-leaning I would nominate Robert Winter. He has the most threatening blog out there, for the opposite reasons that WO is the worst RW blog.
The Standard will win, I assume it is nominated.