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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cob oven dissolution

We've returned our cob oven to the soil. The beauty of an oven made from clay, sand and straw is that when it need to be replaced, it can go straight back into the ground. Our oven was wearing out (should've covered it from the start - clay does not repel Southland rain for long) and we've decided to make a new one, so the old had to go. Josh did the work and Peter will manage the reconstruction of the new model. I'll get the 'hood', made from craddy sticks and cabbage tree thatch, over it the moment it's finished. The materials from the original cob oven will have dissolved into the soil by then, leaving no trace. Perfect!


wildcrafty said...

What's a craddy stick?

robertguyton said...

Korari - the flower stem of the harakeke. We Southlanders talk funny.

wildcrafty said...

Ah, not heard that one before (despite more than a passing familiarity with Southlandese ;-) That's an Anglicisation then of the southern te reo, like bullybul for poroporo?