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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Asset sales

Let's see.. each and every New Zealander owns these assets and shares the returns from them but soon we won't because they are to be sold to people wealthy enough to buy the shares.
Someone is being screwed here.
There will be a guarantee from the Government that those shares that are for sale won't just be sold on to overseas to buyers offering far more money than the shares originally cost, won't there?
I mean, the Crafar farms example shows who wins when Chinese investors, flush with cash, bid against we poorer New Zealanders. We don't want our energy companies driven by parties from overseas, do we?
That'd be plain stupid.
That could mean that Solid Energy's direction could be called from the other side of the world. How would people from Mataura feel about that? If locals found that the mining was intolerable for some reason, they'd want to be able to influence the company to keep themselves; their families, health and physical environment safe, wouldn't they? They'd feel very anxious if the decision makers were all sitting in the northern hemisphere, growing rich from the mining and resisting any calls to slow down or stop.
Have people thought this through?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are forced into asset sales when we've been living beyond our means as a country.

Forget that the government shouldn't be in business competing with taxpayers. The core reason why we are selling assets is because we have lived beyond our means for too long with no end in sight.

Want to do something to stop asset sales? Well for a start stop promoting living beyond our means.

Oh what's that? It doesn't fit the Green policies/mantra of buying votes? Fancy that.

You are part of the problem, and can be part of the solution - but that will take a huge change from the current entitlement mentality that currently exists in NZ.

Summed up in the classic Morrisey lyrics - "England is mine and she owes me a living".
