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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Working out of doors

Busy outside today, grafting apple scions to apple rootstock.
Right beside us, a bed of onion weed grew on stinkily.
This flowering plant has no name known to me. Does anyone know it?

But I know the name of this flower - trillium! Who have thought that I'd grow them?
The heavy bunches of kowhai are looking really battered and largely spent.
The fennel's bushing-up and the plantain's coming on strong!

Being spring, there are yunkers. This little guy didn't make it through the boisterous weather we've been subject to over the past 4 days. Tossed from his nest by the tempest, I'd say, then died of cold.


PM of NZ said...

"This flowering plant has no name known to me"

First thought - Datura. A bell flower or angels trumpet of the nightshade family.

Possibly brugmansis.

robertguyton said...

I should have put a matchbox in there, PMofNZ, to give you an idea of scale - these flowers are small - about the size of a pawn in a standard chess set. Datura (Brugmansia) are a great favourite of mine by really hard to grow in the cool south, though I'm going to give it a shot when I get my glasshouse built. Nice try though!

Lofty said...

Could it be a Correa dusky bell Bobby, although they are normally yellow I thought, this one looks like it though in shape.

Lofty said...

OOPs I mean normally Red.
The ones I have seen anyway, they are a species of fuschia.

robertguyton said...

They do look fuchsia-like Lofty, thanks. I'll follow that line.

robertguyton said...

Lofty - you were right - it's a Correa alright!
Apparently, correa are:
"An excellent winter nectar source for hummingbirds."

I didn't see any this winter, but next winter I'm camping out beside my correa until I see one!