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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Al Brown came to town (with his britches upside-down)

'Get Fresh' with Al Brown showed tonight on TVOne but as we were out dancing in the local hall, we missed it, though we hope to watch it tomorrow some way or another. From what we've heard so far, Al gave the town the thumbs-up and our own contribution went okay as well.


Anonymous said...

can find you email - loved Get fresh.. pears good nunsuch apples.. remember them well. my nana used to have em.. and those froggy spuds look fine. where do you get the seed?
Regards tina nixon

fredinthegrass said...

Loved it, Rg.
You were superb. "Food forest" - I'm on my way. I bet Mrs. Rg makes an Apple Pie to die for. Partial to a wee bit of cream - but no sugar please.
Isn't Al a gem.

Jonesy said...

Riverton looks a gem.
Al may like to hear that PVC pipe has lead in it, so not a good choice for a mould for the custard he cooked.

robertguyton said...

Thanks all - I'm glad it came across okay. I haven't seen it yet - Robyn and I had organised a 'country dance' in the town for tonight and we've just got back - it was a lot of fun but we had to be there to meet and greet and couldn't watch Get Fresh. I hope someone we know has recorded it. Might try on-line. Tina, the Le Ratte potatoes were given to us 4 years ago and we've multiplied them up til we've got sacks-full.
Fred - Robyn says Kentish Fillbasket makes a great apple pie and she says if you don't like sugar you're very welcome here. Our cream is organic, naturally and you are very welcome.
Jonesy - on a good day, it is. On a poor day, it can be a bit of a rough diamond, but I like that.

nick said...

here ya go Rob(s)

Anonymous said...

came across real well. great stuff. - Tane

robertguyton said...

Thanks Nick - had a quick look and the place looks quite good. It was great to hear that the dessert turned out well.

Thanks Tane. He was an easy guy to talk with.

Dave Kennedy said...

Your TV appearance was impressive, hope you had a good turn out to the dance. Sorry we couldn't make it too much happening for us this weekend.

Suz said...

Nicely done..Al seemed quite taken with your part of the world..couldn't believe those huge apples would grow even bigger!

Lofty said...

I had a look Bobby,very entertaining, and you were not too bad either, your wife made the show pal sorry.

robertguyton said...

Those pip-squeaks can't hold a candle to their elders. We use a pack-horse to bring them up to the house, one by one, when they're ripe. We dry the peel and make it to tents for the local boy scouts for when they Jamboree-down! The stalks we saw in half so that they'll fit into the fire-box. A single half-stalk keeps us warm right through the night. Smells lovely too - apple-y and woody, all at once.

robertguyton said...

Lofty, I know! I'm her thin shadow, a mere wisp of a husband, whimpering at her feet, hoping for crumbs. It's always been that way. Once, I tried to break free but only got as far as the kitchen door. Tripped over my apron strings you see...

Armchair Critic said...

A great show for Riverton - and you both came across very well.

robertguyton said...

Thanks AC. Robyn and I have just been talking abut the contrast between the hunters and the gatherers in the town; fishermen and orchardists, deer hunters and potato growers. The combination here is really interesting.

Shunda barunda said...

Caused quite a stir in the Burunda household when Mr Guyton suddenly appeared on the tele!

Really liked that piece, makes me want to come back to Riverton.

You made quite an impression on my kids Robert, they still talk about out trip down south.

robertguyton said...

I hope you will Shunda - there's much to talk about now - summertime's a good time, when the living is easy. Fish are jumping, and the toetoe is high...