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Monday, September 19, 2011

Green whips Blue

Russel Norman handed Nick Smith his *rse on Q&A this weekend. It was a joy to watch Smith struggle and fail to defend the indefensible - freeing agriculture from its obligations to manage greenhouse emissions - and Russel did it in a manner that would have delighted every National Party devotee, had their man Smith shown the same adroit grasp of economic matters.
Over on the Dim-Post, this comment summed-up the debate nicely and Danyl posts well on the Paul Holmes mediated demolition of the Minister.

Matt Nolan +1.
Dr Norman is becoming a formidable opponent as he speaks with knowledge and practical common sense on many economic issues. It is becoming untenable for opposition parties and the media to dismiss him as a “loony green who doesn’t understand how business works”. Probably not going to stop most of them though…."


Lofty said...

pfftt...Just another loony green who doesn’t understand how business works.

Sorry Bobby I couldn't help myself!

Anonymous said...

Come on RG, you can't really take that as proof of Norman's brilliance? Look who he was up against. Nick the **** would make any opposition member look good.


robertguyton said...

Lofty, it's no more than I expected.
The 'pfftt..' was a nice touch though.
Did you see the interview?
All prejudice aside, he was good. Commentators in general are noticing Russel's new-found confidence and grasp of issues.

robertguyton said...

Most unkind and perceptive paranormal.

Lofty said...

No, I did not see the interview,nor do I need to, I am making an informed comment based on my preset prejudices.
Just fitting in with your crowd Bobby.

Lofty said...

I have to say, preset prejudices aside, that Russel will be finding it easier to look good given the absolute lack of effective opposition left in this country.

At the risk of offending the simian community (of which I am sure there is an "interest group")a monkey could look good in opposition at the moment.

fredinthegrass said...

Russell Norman - hardly showing signs of being a 'mover and shaker' yet, Rg. More of an irritant that is noticeable in the void "Lofty" refers to.
He has taken one step forward from the 'tanty' he through over his flag!! And when you are in that area there is only one possible way I guess.
Could it be watch this space, or will it be like watching paint dry?
Maybe significant - todays 'word' - "demons".

robertguyton said...

Blogger robertguyton said...

Finding Russel 'irritating' Fred?
Might I suggest your pre-conceptions are interfering with your objectivity.
Russel has made huge gains in his leadership role. Whilst you may not recognise it, other commentators with paired-eyes, do.
Have a listen to what he says.

Lofty. Commenting sight-unseen invariably results in lack of content.

Anonymous said...

Norman should have purposely tanked in the interview to lull them into a false sense of security and agree to a leaders debate with minor parties then BAM

robertguyton said...

BAM Norman - good nick-name Bio.

fredinthegrass said...

I will take more notice, Rg, but I wont hold my breath.
I have observed he is commenting on a wider range of issues. IMHO he is still narrow in his focus, but given the state of opposition in our politics he does need to expand, and I look forward to his contribution - in opposition of course!

robertguyton said...

No don't hold your breath Fred, you'll get light-headed, like so many of Key's devotees. Clear head, open mind, that's the way.

Anonymous said...

BAN Mormon it is then.

robertguyton said...

That would be BAN Brethren, wouldn't it?

Viv said...

Hey Lofty, you may have gone trolling elsewhere & not be back to read this but...... re your 1st comment
"just another ignorant sod who doesn't understand how the planet works"
from a self employed businesswoman of 25 years (aka socialist, feminist, greenie who married into the iwi)

Anonymous said...

Green's theme song:

I want to be a banner man.

Glory, glory.....

Anonymous said...

Viv, your oxymoron is showing. Can't see how anyone claiming to be a "socialist, feminist, greenie" would understand how the planet works.


Lofty said...

My 1st comment was merely tongue in cheek, and easily seen as that. I guess your business is not in communication.

I understand very well how the planet works in my lay fashion, thanks so much, I differ from a socialist, feminist, greenie who married into the iwi, in that I may have differing views of how we manage the resources, to our mutual benefit, bothe environmentally & financialy, they do not need to be mutually exclusive.
But thanks for your comment.

Lofty said...

Sorry that last post of mine is directed at Viv.

robertguyton said...

paranormal - I'm puzzled by your statement'
"Can't see how anyone claiming to be a "socialist, feminist, greenie" would understand how the planet works."

Why can't you see that a person with those qualifications is unable to 'see how the planet works'?
I'm presuming that you believe that you can see how etc but feel Viv can't. Perhaps you are just taking cheap shots at someone who ideology differs from yours but I wonder, are you serious?

Anonymous said...

Yes RG it was a cheap shot, having a go at Viv for having a go at your brov.

However I am indeed serious from my experience of socialist, feminist, greenies. Their worldview would preclude them a range of realities.

I have a science/business background and as you will have seen from my previous posts know that science is far from settled. Thats why I think it is hilarious that someone who claims green credentials would ask someone else if they understand how the planet works. They are coming from a whole level of conceit with that comment.

(By the way I would consider myself a feminist greenie but the shrills out there would scream otherwise)


robertguyton said...

Thanks for defending my honour paranormal, no matter how misguided was your aim :-)
My experience is that we all have a worldview that precludes us a range of realities. The challenge is to recognise our own filters and remove them before mocking those of others (I feel a mote/log quote coming on...)

Shane Pleasance said...

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

Viv said...

Hey guys . Those with connections to socialism, feminism , green & tangata whenua are probably more rather than less likely to understand how the planet works, because all these value systems are outward looking & inclusive of other people & life forms on this planet.
Sorry Lofty, I guess the ‘ignorant’ bit in my earlier comment might have been unfair, but while you called your comment about Russel ‘tongue in cheek’, I felt it was just plain rude & was replying in kind.
Anonymous- I have a health science /business background and know darn well that the science on global warming is settled, but even if it wasn’t, the risks of continuing ‘business as usual’ and stuffing the planet far outweigh the chance that we might go for clean renewable energy even if it turned out we didn’t need (!) to .
Kia ora Robert, thanks for hosting this .

Lofty said...

Viv with all due respect, there is no one on this planet, let alone you who can teach me, tutor me or even try to persaude me about socialism, collectivism or co habiting with the Tangata Whenua, or just living together.
If you knew me and my background, you would know that I have been there and done that..
Maybe one day we will meet and I can persuade you that socialism, aka colectivism fails individuals in the end...sorry.

Lofty said...

Oh and Viv I am quite rude.

Bobby you can build up your Aussie leader as much as you like, I still think he is a whinging knob.
Give back my flaag, give baaackkk mmyy flaaag.

Your blog your leader.

robertguyton said...

His flag.
Nasty Chinese thugs.
I thought Russel courageous and his protestations unfortunately shrill. If he'd used his bass-voice to demand the return of his flag, things would have played out differently :-)
Have you met Russel?
He's quite reserved. Tall too.
Dwarfs Keys.

robertguyton said...

Lofty - re Russel, you give him no credit for getting out there and seeing first-hand what our waterways are like.

Lofty said...

Ah, my shortcoming Bobby, Here is a comment specifically for your lofty Aussie leader Russel.

Well done for paddling around the waterways of NZ and having a look.

Happy now Bobby?

robertguyton said...

You're a gracious fellow Lofty.
I'll pass your comment on to Russel and I'm sure he'll be bouyed-up by it :-)
I'm meeting Metiria this weekend - anything you want to say to her?

Lofty said...

Yes, yes I am a gracious fellow Bobby, and thanks for recognising it, it is in the family genes bro, as you know.

re ya 2nd leader, Nope, not a thing off the top of my head thanks Bobby.

It does my head in thinking about the problems that having 2 leaders must bring.

Who is on top????????

Anonymous said...


You've completely missed the point, and proven me correct at the same time.

If we are talking science - it's never settled. That's the nature of science. Theories remain theories until proven with clear repeatable evidence.

As you can guess, I'm with Lofty on the collectivism vs individualism. Socialism in all its forms sucks and has proven to fail time and again.


robertguyton said...

Lofty -so there is something I can ask Metiria for you!
Will do.