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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bulking up

Just in from a great day at the Bio-gym. What a workout it was, digging spuds, transplanting celery, felling poroporo, spreading compost. While I was cultivating, I unearthed these. You might be wondering what they are...


PM of NZ said...

Iris bulbs?

robertguyton said...

Not iris, not a bulb.
Not a wattle either :-)

robertguyton said...


Jinty said...

Chinese artichoke :). Ours are doing that too.

robertguyton said...

Yep Jinty - they are. Odd little things to unearth aren't they - remind me of Howie!

robertguyton said...

Armchair Critic
I've had a wee tidy-up, as you can see.
I hope you'll indulge me in this. I've copied your suggestions and regard them very useful, especially where they suggest caution.