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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Unemployment - figures!

Here are the figures I was looking for on youth unemployment. I found them at NoRightTurn.

"New Zealand currently has an appalling youth unemployment rate: according to the latest Household Labour Force Survey, 65,700 people aged between 15 and 24 are unemployed - 17.4% of the total. Faced with a problem of this scale, you'd expect the government to be doing something about it. But their response is absolutely underwhelming. To help out the 65,700 unemployed young people, they're funding an extra 326 places in employment schemes. That's less than one place for every twenty people who needs one. Meanwhile, they've slashed training and capped tertiary places, meaning that young people have little option other than the dole. "

Makes for dark reading doesn't it.


Anonymous said...

Time to bring back true apprenticeships and youth rates. Any Government is dreaming if they believe they can 'create' jobs. All a government can do is provide the environment for the economy, the private sector to create jobs. Thats been missing for some time.


robertguyton said...

Apprenticeships are a great idea. Pity this present government destroyed that venue for young people to gain valuable, valued employment.
Youth rates, not so much, actually, no. Ideological mismatch there para and you and IU'd gain nothing squabbling over that.
Governments can facilitate the growth of jobs in lots of ways, some direct and some through long term development. This government would have us believe that their broad 'improving the economy' manouvers will do it, but I don't. JObs are needed now. Individuals can't wait. National's do-nothing approach is causing pain. Key, English and co can't feel it (they're not unemployed you see)

Anonymous said...

We agree National were nuts getting rid of apprenticeships. I think the old fashioned concept of providing a young person a trade/skill/career in exchange for their labour is still relevant. Hence youth rates.
