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Friday, July 8, 2011

Letters I like

This letter from a P. Clifford of Invercargill in today's Southland Times is the kind that makes me feel that there are many people in our community that know what democracy is all about. Titled 'Preconceived ideas' slur is laughable' by the Times, the letter says:
"So the former head of Environment Southland is concerned that Cr Robert Guyton may have had some preconceived ideas on the environment before he was voted in?
  Doesn't he realise that's why I and many others voted for him in the first place?
  Does anyone think maybe that Stuart Collie had his own preconceived ideas when he was voted in considering his former background in the farming lobby group Federated Farmers?
  Look at the state of our environment and ask yourself just what kind of job he did when he was running the show.
  I say we need more like Robert."

That's a very encouraging letter, both at a personal level and where it shows that people are looking to see what really is happening in their own backyards and not just accepting the assurances of those who have been elected to plum positions. In saying that, I'll post all letters that come in on the subject and expect that there will be some that don't echo P.Clifford's and present a different view. That's what it's all about!


Suz said...

Gotta's a bit like being shocked that an Aotearoa Legalise cannabis candidate might have actually inhaled at some point, and could have preconceived ideas that it should be decriminalised!?

robertguyton said...

Don't know if that's a comparison I'd chose to make Suz, given that I'm respectabibble!
I've never hidden my deep concern for the health of the environment. Mr E.coli, as he's known, can't see the world from my vantage point I suspect and doesn't even suspect it might have validity. In fairness, I have to say that I did torment him through the 'letters to the editor' column when he was High Lord of the Council and he didn't like it much. But he was wrong then too :-)

Suz said...

Sorry for unpalatable comparison, but was just thinking of an extreme example, of if you vote for them, that's what you're going to get. And can't expect people to turn off the platform they were voted in on, (i.e. the voice of the masses) when it doesn't suit!!! Apologies for my naivete.

robertguyton said...

Not at all Suz. In any case I respect the ALC guys for their perseverance and courage. They did very well in Hone's electorate and could well take Ohariu/Belmont when Peter Dunne finally comes out of the foil-lined cupboard and declares himself a head.

armchair critic said...

You are doing a great job Robeert.,

robertguyton said...

Thank you armchair - I'm incorporating some of your suggestions you ought to know.