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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Seasonal flower - the spud


Shunda barunda said...

Not unlike the native Poro poro.

robertguyton said...

Same family and from the same continent.
I doubt poroporo got here by itself. Like the spud, it was brought here i roto waka.

nick said...

Does your fantastic food forest include this specimen Rob?

robertguyton said...

Nick - did you write your comment in invisible ink?
It's not shown up anywhere.
This potato flower is just outside the door. I'm amazed how many variations there are to the 'basis' flower - colourwise that is. I've collected a dozen or so different ones and will post them sometime soon.
Spent time yesterday harvesting the magnificent Bohemian Sugar Peas.
We've a celebrity chef and his film crew coming soon to have a cook up from lovely things in our garden. Al someone. TV3 or One.