Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Drop O' Wine

I'm reading a wonderful little book lent to me by a young man from Totness, in Southland for the milkin' and keen to share his wine making experiences with our household, well supplied with the raw materials as we are!
The book's called 'A Drop O' Wine' and is written by Mollie Harris. Mollie's a hoot and has had a long relaionship with wine and drinking the lovely stuff. Her descriptions of how she began her drinking ways in the country kitchen of her grandmother are delightful and I'll tap them out here on day. For now, here's a sample from her little book:

One old lady I knew always kept her red earthenware pan of wine under the kitchen table while it was working, because there was not much room in her tiny cottage. One day I went to see her just as she was taking a look at her fermenting dandelion wine. 'Ah,' she cried, 'I caught another little beggar, 'tis the mice you see, they gets in me wine pan after the toast [in the old days people always spread their yeast on a slice of toast] and then they drowns in the wine. But I shan't shake the mouse out,' she went on, 'that'll help work the wine.'


Suz said...

Thanks for that..ALMOST enough to make me a tee-totaller. Aaarrrggghhh!

robertguyton said...

You're very welcome Suz!
There's another story involving mice in the book and I'll try to get that up sometime.

Suz said...

Would appreciate a pre-warning as I'm a pathetic girlie when it comes to mice and rats, much to the hilarity of my partner who can't comprehend that I jump out of planes with alacrity, yet wither into a jelly at the mere mention of vermin!

robertguyton said...

Okay Suz and I suppose I should apologise now for the Mickey Mouse tie.