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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Black thoughts

What do people who are not coal mining spokespeople think of the big plans for mining Southland's phenomenally big lignite reserves?
Today's 'letters' section gives us an idea.

Land lost to productive farming use forever
Corporate coffers filled, but not individual accounts
Higher roading costs and poorer roads

warns Dan Bollow or Riversdale. He recommends that we 'leave strip mining to the otherwise non-productive arid regions of the world.

Dr John Moore, writing from Nelson challenges the true value of the promised jobs at the mines, suggesting that there are jobs that nobody should do and that greed is not a strategy, it's just greed.
He forcefully states:
"In this day and age anyone promoting lignite mining has to be recklessly and determinedly ignorant about just how polluting this particular fuel is."

He's a hard hitter, is Dr Moore and isn't pulling his punches.
I wonder if we'll see a response from the wannabe miners?

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