Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What am I?

Is it a coral reef or something less healthy.
* Clue - I took the photo.


Suz said...

A bowl of neglected rhubarb residing in the dark recesses of your fridge?

Anonymous said...

I think that it is the back of a smokers tongue?

Shunda barunda said...

Robert, you might want to get that toe checked out, you are taking being a 'fun guy' to seriously!

Suz said...

Tomorrow's tie?

robertguyton said...

I'm rendered speechless by your combined (un-gentle) wit!

Suz said...

The contents of the local witches cauldron..(Shunda got me thinking)?

Please enlighten us.

robertguyton said...

All of the above but especially the mouldy remains of what was once a pottle of tomato paste.
I'm ashamed to say.
Still, it could have been worse - It could have been tinea and whilst I don't smoke, the back of my throat has felt like that before.!

robertguyton said...

* thinks
Must keep toe out of mouth!

Suz said...

And let's face it, some of your ties are hideous (:

robertguyton said...

And I've yet to reveal my grotesque collection.
I'll post one now.