Sunday, January 23, 2011

The ties that bind

I collect ties - neck ties.
It's nobody's fault but my own.
I have a great number of them, yet just the one neck.
I'm constantly encouraged to a) stop collecting them and b) reduce the collection by at least 50%.
I do neither.
I'm determined to share my passion for ties with the wide world; by wearing a different tie to each formal occasion as it arises, and I do, as well as sharing them with any poor soul who stumbles onto this blog. And so I will, by publishing one a day for the next year.
Here's the first. It's just a plane tie, nothing fancy :-)


ray said...

My first thoughts are that an alien must have taken over your body
A Green tie collector, who would have thought it
Don't you know those things are ropes around your neck?

robertguyton said...

Sorry to confuse you Ray.
I notice on the right-wing blogs that I comment on, that the commenters there have pre-conceptions of what a green-inclined thinker might think and do. As to the ties, yes, they're ropes alright but they also serve as great disguises. I've several on the theme of dairy cows, hunting and other seemingly non-green themes, as well as some lovely aristocratic ties, one of which I'll wear when next I meet someone from the aristocracy or plutocracy, royalty even.
In saying that, I have plenty with frogs, insects, fish and even one spun from hemp!(not true, I don't, yet, but it made for a good sentence I thought.)

Suz said...

Loving your tie...I'm sky-diving next Saturday and might just go and search for one for my jump-master, despite him not exactly the noose-wearing type.

robertguyton said...

I guess he's someone who's good at tying secure knots Suz.

Suz said...

Ha! I've done a few with him so can only assume "yes"! Terry has texted on his satellite phone he has a hind, not much use to your castrated icon dammit.

Suz said...

"commentators have pre-conceptions"..possibly you too have such thoughts regarding "right-wingers"? Or are we all just bastards?

robertguyton said...

I don't pre-judge other comenters Suz - I read what they write and make my judgements from that.
It's here that I reckon I differ from righties.

* It's a joke. The last sentence. I should add that I had to say that because righties don't read carefully.
*It's a joke. The last sentence.

Suz said...

Agreed. Medusa made me cringe the other night, and if I could work out having a Google account (sorry, I'm a computer illiterate), would have defended you, she/he obviously didn't read your comment particularly carefully and wrongfully took umbrage...My only concern is that you don't put all us righties under the same arse-hole umbrella..On a personal level, want to see similar changes to you on many levels, but guess our differences lie in attitudes to welfare reform.

robertguyton said...

Let's talk welfare reform then Suz.
The use of the term 'welfare bludger' is not welcome :-)
I'll make a thread.

Suz said... you really think I'd utter the phrase "welfare bludger"?

As the youngest of 6 children in a severely dysfunctional "family", headed by a an alcoholic Catholic abusive father, I'm well aware there is need out there for state assistance in many older sister holds a senior position in our local pakeha women's refuge. Maori have a separate facility,(something which I found astounding).

I'd have thought abuse was abuse, regardless of the colour of our skin.

All I do know is, as a statistic, along with my 4 sisters and one brother (who killed himself), at least a few of us ought to be on a benefit, struggling, and reproducing at an alarming rate...but we're not, thank God.

Lindsay Mitchell puts it way better than I ever could.

robertguyton said...

You used it!
You're forgiven. Context is everything.
Re Maori Woman's Refuge - I'm guessing you're not in favour of Whanau Ora then?

Suz said...

Can only imagine my I.Q. would be considerably higher than it us if I had enough food to eat as an adolescent, and not brought up by an an uptight Protestant mother who refused to ask for help..sincerely hope you had a better up-bringing Mr G... You come across as one of those positive and "nice people" that I'm envious of.

Unknown said...

Hi Robert!
I do love your tie!!!

Could you please tell me where did you buy it and which brand is it?

Many thanks in advance!