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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Owls now (who would 'a thought!)

The moreporks of Northland, unable to keep their yunkers cool, are biffing them out of the nests.
Young tui too are walking the plank, or at least the branch, to escape the clammy heat and, like their owlish friends, plummeting to the ground to die. Or be rescued by the bird rescuers who say that this is unprecedented, this over-heated weather and mass nest clearance. It doesn't bode well for birds that are threatened anyway by all manner of mankind-induced calamities. Cranking up the heat with our fossil-fuel burning ways will have more negative ramifications than we have counted on - who amongst you considered the fate of the native owls?
Not I.
Til now.


Suz said...

On a serious note, my partner is off hunting Bambis in the Orongarongas this weekend, and his main concern is to find any moreporks that have been ousted from the nest..he mentioned taking in ox-heart to feed them??? Any suggestions?

robertguyton said...

Raw meat like ox-heart would be ideal, from the little I know.
Why not deer-heart?

Shunda barunda said...

How do they know it is because they are too hot?
Clearly a witch has done this!!

Suz said...

@ Robert..venison-heart is his preferred option also but (insert loving, derisive snort here), not always guaranteed!

@ Shunda..I like the way your mind works. Suspect No. 1 has a lot to answer for.

Shunda barunda said...

Thanks Suz, witches have a lot to answer for, they love to curse Tui, especially during La Nina weather events!!.

Suz said...

Salem had the right idea!

Suz said...

Should my darling man bring home a stag, he has offered various bits of it to the good folks of Riverton (hoping there's a taxidermist amongst you), thus restoring the mighty man-hood that has been so cruelly severed.

robertguyton said...

stag-hood and your bloke is too, too kind!

Suz said...

My sweetheart Terry (another spooky coincidence), has one fault...too incredibly sweet, generous, caring, (not to mention an utter spunk, I know I'm too spoiled) for this shitty world...if he can't provide an organic replacement, he's a dab hand on his lathe and can produce anything required, even a wooden member if it comes to that. Even as Wellingtonians, we're grieving alongside our southern cuzzies.

robertguyton said...

Terry'd turn a tool?