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Friday, January 28, 2011

Coffee trials

There are cafes popping up all over Riverton this summer and they're serving very good coffee to boot.
Our own shop has a machine that grinds and brews pretty good coffee too, but were wondering if we could improve our customer's coffee experience by switching to a different brand of coffee. While in Dunedin, Robyn bought 4 brands that we've not used in the shop before and I've been saddled with the task of tasting and rating each one.
It's challenging work.
You might be able to help.
If you are a coffee drinker and are familiar with any of the brands we've chosen, your opinion would be appreciated and will help me with my final decision. I like most coffees, so I'll be taking any advice seriously.
Here are the brands (each is 100% organic, naturally):

ZUMO-TWO  (a full bodied coffee with a big flavour and subtle herbal aftertones)

Hummingbird  (URBAN - Rich and Bold)

KAWATIRI - Roasted Arabica coffee "Okari Dark"

AVALANCHE - Fair Trade

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