Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blank slate

Political blogs regularly provide a free-for-all post for discussions generated by 'viewers'.
This space is blank 'at the minute' as Sam would say, but may fill with debate (let's hope!).
Suz has talked a little about reforming the welfare system or at least my views on it and may like to take up the cudgel here.

Absolutely everyone else is welcome to light their own little fire here as well. Shunda will perhaps want to talk about witches :-)


Suz said...

Shunda...your sage advice is sorely needed...please provide some much-needed sanity!

Shunda barunda said...

What's that!

The trick to sanity is knowing you're insane!

robertguyton said...

Still blank, this slate!

Shunda barunda said...

Should smacking as part of good parental discipline be a criminal offence in NZ?

he he!

robertguyton said...

John Key says yes and is not interested in the views of New Zealanders on the issue.

Shunda barunda said...

John Key is a witch!!

Anonymous said...

Stop slandering the witches!

Shunda barunda said...

Which witch is which?