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Friday, January 28, 2011

Asking the Key question

John Key intends to sell 49% of our assets. What's he going to do with the money?

Tumeke asks the question in typical Bomber style!

"And what about this investment you intend to make from this privatization? Into more irrigation in the South Island? You more mean infrastructure investment into Dairy who continue to steal and pollute our diminishing water resources in the South Island?

That's what we are selling our assets off for? South Island Dairy Industry interests? Shouldn't you be a little more honest? Surely allowing Bill English to have a dirty lignite production facility in his own electorate to power his Brother's Federated Farmer's industry cheaply was payment enough for services to be rendered? "


Shunda barunda said...

I think Key has miscalculated terribly on this issue.
But the saddest thing is that there is still no real alternative for the famed 'swing' voters.
Labour is still a long way from rebuilding their party and National knows it, so maybe it isn't a miscalculation after all.

robertguyton said...

Why do you say Shunda, that 'Labour is still a long way from rebuilding their party'?
I think you've just swallowed National's relentless attacks on Labour and Goff that have been running from the moment they got in power.

Shunda barunda said...

I find the whole situation we are in extremely depressing.
I dared to think that Mr Key was a good guy and maybe National had learnt some lessons.
The reality is, we live in times of very weak leadership from both sides, I was foolish to hope it was any different.

nick said...

A good piece from a local commentator up here, here. Sneeaky hobbitses!

Anonymous said...

What is it specifically that the govt is going to fund in the dairy industry? I couldn't follow that on Tumeke.

I find there are plenty of alternatives to voting National. That's the beauty o MMP. We need more power to the smaller parties who can then keep Labour or National in line.

robertguyton said...

I think wildcrafty, that Bomber means that by partially privatising Solid Energy, they will get access to funds/capital that they can't get now. I believe that they have found themselves unable to get on with the job because they don't have access to the amounts (huge) that they need. This will ensure that they can set out on their venture to dig up mataura for it's lignite.

robertguyton said...

Shunda - seek out those who do have a viable world-view. One that is visionary and has integrity. Look too for individuals with those qualities.
* Clue - they will understand the value of the environment and that will be evident in their behaviour (this excludes the Bluegreens at the outset :-)

Shunda barunda said...

I think I'm about ready Robert.
My stoush today with a few people on Kiwiblog has kind have been the last straw.

robertguyton said...

I took a look Shunda and I'm proud of you!
Your point of view is entirely valid and deserving of respect. You'll be finding it interesting to discover how some right-wing commenters treat someone they believe to be from the left.
Interesting to see the support you got from Rex. You can take that as a very good thing.
I thought your comment about their being a choice of more than two parties to vote for, very uplifting :-)