Monday, November 15, 2010

Mugs shot

It has been suggested that I'm smiling too broadly in this 'class of 2010' shot.
Time will tell.


juliet Larkin said...

Good shot! Hey, Robert on a totally different topic, I'm trying to find a post you did a while back about collecting shellfish in Riverton and the study a student called Bailey did on it. Can't think what month it was -be grateful if you could direct me to it. cheers, Juliet

robertguyton said...

I don't know if this is the post you are thinking of Juliet. It's just the letter I sent to the Times. I was reading from the ES 'magazine' where they featured the work of the student. There was also a piece in the Southland Express (from memory).

Shunda barunda said...

Wearing a suit and everything!
My goodness!

robertguyton said...

I'm not really in it.