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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Twisty warnings

This up-date to the letter threatening candidates for expressing their opinions pre-election comes from Tumeke!

"After every election the officials and their preferred legal henchmen make the same threats and spin the same lies to the elected representatives. It may appear weird, but it is also a routine indoctrination. They are told by these parasites that they cannot use their democratic mandates and election promises because it is biased to do so and elected representatives are not allowed to be biased. Which are lies of course - it is precisely the representatives role to carry out their policies."

Martyn Bradbury has seen it all before and doesn't fall for that guff.

"Only councillors appointed as commissioners in hearing specific planning issues under the RMA have to be unbiased - and that doesn't mean leaving their policy pledges at the door either it just means they have to give the parties a fair hearing and act in the public interest."

The writer of the letter to the editor that threatened the two candidates to Environment Southland might benefit from reading the whole post here.

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