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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oil spill in Dalian, China

Five days ago, in the northeastern port city of Dalian, China, two oil pipelines exploded, sending flames hundreds of feet into the air and burning for over 15 hours, destroying several structures - the cause of the explosion is under investigation. The damaged pipes released thousands of gallons of oil, which flowed into the nearby harbor and the Yellow Sea.
This link has astonishing images of the disaster.


Anonymous said...

Damn. Is there a reason for using/not using dispersant?

robertguyton said...

This, from an email I received today Bio -

"BP have used dangerous chemical dispersants to break the
oil down into miniscule particles that can be more readily absorbed
into our water cycle, bodies and environment. Someone obviously knows the severe toxicity of Corexit 9500and decided to use it anyway no matter how many animals and people are destined to be hurt by it.
That’s a psychopathic decision as well as a profitable one for someone. BP is fully aware of the actions and dangers of Corexit and they are using it to hide the true amounts of oil leaked to avoid the fines they would owe if this were known."
Make of that what you will.

Anonymous said...

You say that as though you have some inside knowledge, proof and understanding of BP's motivation for the use of the Oil Dispersal chemical. Care to share your knowledge with us or are you just interested in unfounded speculation that defames and damages BP's reputation.