Sunday, July 18, 2010

Keeping Stock

An employer speaks about the Unions' reaction to today's '90 day' announcement by John Key:

"they are squealing like stuck pigs, and the sound is music to our ears"

Chris Trotter makes a far better fist of the issue here.

From Bowalley Road:

"And while they’re at it, they might also like to ponder the words of the National Secretary of the Dairy Workers Union, James Ritchie:

"If this 90-day rule is used against any of our members, I can tell you that there will be a stop-work meeting called immediately to decide what action the site should take in response."

Ritchie’s dairy workers keep New Zealand’s milk-processing plants operating – it’s hard to think of another group of workers with more strategic economic clout."


Anonymous said...

Can you join that union even if you technically don't work in dairy? :)

robertguyton said...

Just get hold of a pair one of their overalls, Bioneer, and carry a spanner (for the works!).