Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Goodbye to mining the parks

You'd expect, given the huge anti-mining marches around the country and the anguish the prospect of digging up the national parks provoked, that an announcement of the reversal of National's ill-considered plans would hit the front page.
The Southland Times has given the news a postage stamp sized spot on page 2, nestled amongst images of shoplifters, a cartoon and an advertisement for a closing down sale at a shoe store.
The 400 or so Southlanders who marched through the streets of Invercargill to protest the plans to mine the national parks might view that placement rather cynically.
Nevertheless, they'll be looking foward to the sight of Gerry Brownlee munching on his heapin' helpin' of humble pie, crow, hat, or whatever it is he'll be served up today.
I'm not expecting a skerrick of contrition though.
That's not the sort of man Gerry is.

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