Monday, July 19, 2010

Glass half-full (of what?)

“How many warnings does this Government need before they take action to set enforceable water quality standards? I urge the Minister to adopt the National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management that is currently lying on his desk.”

The Green's Russel Norman puts the heat on the Government for what he calls, 'what we already know', “Intensive dairy farming, as well as inadequate sewage treatment, is responsible for the deterioration of our rivers, streams and lakes, the common heritage of all New Zealanders."

The due-out-soon Environment Southland report on water quality in our region is hardly likely to say anything other than, 'what we already know'. Nevertheless, we await the report optimistically, after all, they do say you can't manage what you haven't measured.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am usually confident in my ability to see things from others people's perspective but I am having trouble trying to guess what -feelings- he would have while reading such a report.