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Friday, July 16, 2010

End of the golden weather?

Could this be it?
We've basked, or at least delighted in, glorious weather lately - crisp mornings admittedly, but windless, settled weather with open skies and temperatures we can live with but this morning, the skies a glowering.
There's a leaden feel in the air.
The clouds yesteray afternoon were the sort that look as though they are sagging and might blow out, dumping some form of water onto the land, but they didn't.
Today might be different.
We're off around the countryside collecting scion wood from old apple trees as part of our Open Orchard project. We've located most of the old Southland orchards over the past two years and are now recollecting from any trees that didn't successfully take when we grafted them.
If we are unlucky today, we'll get wet, but we're usually pretty lucky.

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