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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Eating the dog - Radar returns!

Te Radar's Eating The Dog
Winner: Best Local Show NZ Comedy Festival 2009
Winner: Best Show NZ Comedy Guild Awards 2009
Winner: Best Comedy Dunedin Fringe 2009

Te Radar’s “Eating The Dog” is an irreverent look at some of the more notable characters and events from New Zealand’s history.
Te Radar celebrates the bumblers and the near-do-wells, who personify the archetypal “she’ll be right” spirit that epitomises this country.
With the aid of a visual presentation rich with photographs, maps, and other images, the show is a hilarious romp through the pages of our history.

Radar's here in Riverton on the 9th of August.
He'll be performing at the Art Centre, main street Riverton.
Tickets are $25 and you can book at the Environment Centre.
Reviews of his show are very good. He'll be both fascinating and funny (not an easy combination to achieve!)
The Art Centre isn't huge, more 'intimate' so book early!


Anonymous said...

Will Robert Guyton be making an appearance?

robertguyton said...

I hope to do the intro - or do you mean that I rank amongst the
'misfits, failures and those who ...hang on!